Principal’s Desk

Dear readers, Teachers are at the heart of the educational process, working today for better world tomorrow. Teachers make a difference because they shape the future. It is right when Swami Vivekananda reminds the role of teacher. To him, “Education is the manifestation of the perfection already in man.” He wants to establish that knowledge is inherent in man and the only duty of the teacher is the removal of obstruction by clearing the way. He is to unveil the hidden treasure within the pupil in the right way. To him the only true teacher is he who can convert himself as it were into a thousand persons at a moment’s notice. A true teacher could come down to the level of the students and could see the students in himself and that teacher could but follow the profession of teaching and nothing else.

It is worth to quote the letter of Abraham Lincoln to the teacher of his son,

“Teach him to have faith in his own ideas… Teach him to close his ears to howling mob and to stand and fight, if he thinks right. Teach him always to have sublime faith in mankind.”

“A teacher affects eternity, he can never tell where his influence stops.” These words of Henry Brooks Adams sum up the relationship between teacher and pupil.

It is a matter of great satisfaction and encouragement that the institution is able to achieve these objectives. The institution facilitates the process of knowledge construction and helps the pupil teachers to become independent thinkers capable of facing the challenges of profession as well as of life. Instead of imparter of knowledge they are trained to be the facilitators of conditions which help the learner in the process of knowledge construction, to explore, observe, relate and thus learn on their own.

But contentment means plateau in progress which can result in great hindrance in reaching higher limits. For the institution ‘Sky is the only Limits’. I am sure that we will climb the stairs of success still higher in the years to come.

Wish you all the best.

May God bless all of us.

Mrs. Manjit Kaur,
Acting Principal